Friday, May 30, 2014

Painting portraiture

As I'm focusing on portraiture in my open studio, I found the above artwork a helpful reference on technique. I admire the color the artist uses for values. Also, I find the expression the subject makes intriguing -- it pulls you in. Composition ally this painting can be admired as well. Overall, in small ways and big ways this painting acts as reference.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Abstract Oil

The original color scheme is what initially caught my eye in this oil painting. Things aren't distorted into a striking enough -- but well overused -- balanced rainbow of bold colors. If anything, the rich, brown earthy tones on the right half of the canvas seems to defy such cater-to-the audience aesthetics. Contrasted on the lefts side is a sky-like mish-mash of light blue and white -- it may seem to go with the whole fake-y aesthetic thing I was talking about, but in truth, it's contrast with the other half the canvas only further emphasizes the overall originality. It should also be noted that technicality wise, this painting is one to admire  -- the various shades and hues are picked, mixed, placed and layered with sharp precision.